Memo from the Executive Director
Some of my techie staff still think that I have not yet entered the 21st Century. Well, our new website will diminish their tone for a short while. In my defense I have learned to use the latest technology. Why, I’ve had an ATM card for two years now!
All kidding aside, I am thrilled that we now have a presence on the Internet. The greater outside world can now see who we are. Our large Opportunity Center team makes this place a place where even miracles happen every once in a while. After ‘X’ number of chances, some of our homeless graduate from college, get a job, and return to their community and family. Some of the bigger miracles are those that recover from drug and alcohol addiction in spite of their poverty. This all happens even within our very limited resources. Folks far beyond El Paso will now see the great work that is done here. All because I am not as technically challenged as my techie-geeks think!
Personally, on a truly sad note, our Safe Zone Coordinator and my dear friend, Miguel Neyra, passed away this past September. Miguel, was one of those one-in-a-million people we are blest in our lifetime to know.
God Speed, Miguel!
Many Thanks!
Ray Tullius, Executive Director
OC Mail Glitch
To our dismay, one of our past residents filed a change of address with the post office, and the post office ended up incorrectly changing the OC’s address. “What a mess, “ you say! Yikes, some of our donations, in particular, were not making it to the OC and were being returned to the donors.
We would like to apologize for any inconvenience this has caused any of our donors and supporters. We have corrected the mistake with the post office, and the mail is correctly getting to us once again. Thank you for your patience. Please send mail to our post office box: P.O. Box 63, El Paso, TX 79941-0063
Our executive director daily picks up our mail there!
Food Bank Emergencies
All of the local and regional food banks are running low on inventory of all types: dry goods, produce, dairy, frozen foods. Please make an effort to supply these with dollars or food so that they may continue to feed those who are going through tough times.