Housing Services Overview
The Opportunity Center for the Homeless (OC) is a night by night emergency shelter, supported by a network of permanent and transitional housing options, offering individual custom solution-focused services to help the homeless population achieve self-sufficiency, or be protected if they can’t move on in life due to physical, mental and/or behavioral disorders.
Our housing options network consists of four homeless emergency shelters for men, women, families, and elderly women. Additionally we have six living centers devoted to the care of homeless veterans, elderly, families, mentally ill, and adults working or enrolled in school. In 2017 we introduced an 11th program to our community which entails the use of apartments to house the chronically homeless.
Anyone experiencing homelessness in the Paso del Norte region can come to our facilities and receive services by walk-in or referral 24 hours a day, year around.
We have no barriers to access services, and we help the least among the homeless — including the addicted, battered, elderly, mentally ill, and immigrants. We also provide support to law enforcement agencies and hospitals that drop of homeless individuals at our shelters.
We treat everyone with the utmost respect, care, and dignity! No one is turned away.
Intake Process
Homeless individuals seeking help at the Opportunity Center for the Homeless are subject to an intake process. Our staff completes an intake assessment to determine the client’s homeless status, sub-population status, immediate and long-term needs
Basic services provided to all include three meals daily, individual bedding, access to bathrooms, showers, laundry facilities, storage, mailing address, and clothes closet, among many others.
Are you an adult (18 or older) experiencing homelessness in El Paso County?
We are here to help you rebuild your life and if you need a safe place to sleep and access to meals,
showers, and basic supportive services, your first step is to go to Coordinated Entry. You can access
Coordinated Entry by calling 211.
What is Coordinated Entry?
Coordinated Entry is a chance for you to let multiple programs in the community know that you are at
risk of losing housing or would like some help finding housing. This is your opportunity to let us
know what your needs are, and we will connect you with as many resources possible.
What happens at Coordinated Entry?
You will meet with a staff person and complete a brief assessment. Based on the information gathered
through the
programs that can best support your needs.
Coordinated Entry Locations
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Family Services Center
6314 Delta Dr.
El Paso, TX 79902
10:00 AM – 7:00 PM
El Paso Public Library
501 N. Oregon St.
El Paso, TX 79901
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
City of El Paso Dept. of Public Health
5115 El Paso Dr.
El Paso, TX 79905
9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
El Paso Public Library
501 N. Oregon St.
El Paso, TX 79901
What if I need help after Coordinated Entry hours?
At any time you may come to the Opportunity Center for the Homeless Men’s Resource Center, located at 1208 Myrtle Avenue, El Paso, Texas, 79901; or the Women’s Resource Centers, located at 1220 Myrtle, El Paso, Texas, 79901 and stay for the night. However, you will be required to complete the coordinated entry assessment to receive additional services.

Support/Skills/Recovery Services
In addition to addressing our client’s immediate needs, and in an effort to reintegrate them successfully in our community, clients may choose services that help return them to the path of self-sufficiency. Case Managers counsel clients on individual focused solutions to achieve a fulfilling life. We have on-site substance abuse and mental health programs available for those willing to make a positive change in their lives.