Veteran Services

Veterans Transitional Living Center

818 Myrtle Avenue

El Paso Texas, 79901


Program Coordinator: 

There are many US military veterans at the Opportunity Center, some with physical disabilities and struggling with the dual diagnosis of mental illness and/or a substance abuse.

To best serve this population, the Opportunity Center works together with the Veteran Administration through a Grant and Per Diem program for homeless veterans with special needs.

This part of the program focuses on placing qualified veterans into our Veterans Transitional Living Center (VTLC). Providing an environment conducive to their health and welfare helps dramatically improve their moral, sense of ownership and pride.

These residents usually require intensive service support or bridge housing.

With the capacity to serve 20 veterans at a time, the VTLC designates half of its rooms to the chronically mentally ill program. The program is designed for homeless veterans diagnosed with a chronic mental illness. They are provided with direction, access, and support to mental and emotional health services as required.

These veterans may participate in the program for up to two years. As a participant, they live in the supportive environment of the VTLC while working with a VTLC case manager and VA counselors’ who assist them in a range of supportive and individual services.

Once veterans have completed the transitional living program, they are usually placed in permanent housing, with the goal of long-term stability. As part of this continuum of care, the VA Homeless Affairs continues to provide supportive services to those that transitioned into permanent homes. The goals of the VTLC are to provide progressive steps to reduce the number of veterans that are homeless and living on the streets.