Living Centers

We have 14 programs and 10 residential facilities where our clients live in their own apartment within the community, or in a secure and self-contained environment sharing communal areas such as the kitchen, lounge, laundry room, and garden.

Permanent and supportive housing options allow homeless individuals to work, go to school, and/or be protected, and ultimately live a productive and fulfilling life.

The Opportunity Center for the Homeless is the largest provider of housing beds to the homeless in the region. Daily we provide services to an average of 450 people a night.

Rapid Rehousing for the Chronically Homeless (RRH-CH)

(We can illustrate this section with pictures of residents like the ones shown above)

Program Coordinator: Mayela Duran

(915) 577-0069 ext. 235

The Opportunity Center for the Homeless in collaboration with private and public entities is diligently working on implemented a new approach to addressing chronic homelessness in El Paso County.

The Rapid Rehousing for the Chronically Homeless program helps homeless individuals who live on the streets and tend to have high incidences of mental illness, addictions, and/or physical disabilities.

This program provides permanent housing, with on-going and on-site intensive case management for these individuals. We know that once our clients have stable housing, they begin to work on achieving other life goals and move forward to self-sufficiency.    One benefit to our community by the implementation of this program is the reduction in demand on hospital emergency room services, jails, the court system, and other human service agencies.


Chronically Homeless Program-Magoffin Haven

1307 Magoffin St.

El Paso, TX 79901

(915) 838-1808

Program Coordinator: Nora Bosslet

This facility was created to provide safe, permanent housing for single men and women who are mentally disabled and chronically homeless to overcome the barriers and obstacles of falling into the unfortunate and desperate cycle of homelessness. Residents are cared for and protected, connected with mental health counseling and psychiatric services, and encouraged to access all of the supportive services the Opportunity Center for the Homeless offers.

The main goal is to provide safe housing for homeless mentally ill in close proximity to the supportive services that will enhance movement from homelessness towards self-sufficiency.  All utilities are included and daily living expenses are provided by the Opportunity Center for the Homeless. Since medication monitoring and compliance are required to participate in this program, caseworkers play an integral role assisting our residents to become increasingly stable and supporting them to transition back into the community.

The chronically homeless program is a community program working together with other region shelters and human service agencies to improve the life of the chronically homeless.

A major component of this program is the life skills training where residents learn how to manage a budget, maintain their rooms and living spaces, cook meals, fill their medications, and other skills necessary for developing self-sufficiency. The goal of life skills training for our residents is to prepare them to reintegrate into the community, whether into subsidized housing programs, foster homes, or independent living spaces.

Magoffin SRO -1221 Magoffin St.

El Paso, TX 79901


Program Coordinator: Lilia Tullius

The Magoffin Avenue SRO provides permanent supportive housing for 20 elderly, sick, or disabled men and women who are homeless. This residence opened its doors in 2002 and was created in response to a growing number of elderly homeless who had little hope of moving off the streets or out of shelters due to their fragile condition.

All residents are between 55-90 years old, independent, and able to care for themselves. Those who are able to work participate in American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) job placement and training programs. Others attend adult day care programs where their health can be monitored, while they participate in social activities, arts, crafts, exercise, and even field trips.

Skilled home health aides regularly visit residents who qualify for home health services. In addition, all residents are able to access the supportive services provided by the Opportunity Center, including San Vicente medical clinic for mental health services, medical care, and medication needs.

In the backyard of the facility, there is a small garden that residents can help tend and a walking path for those who want to get some fresh air and exercise. Caring staff is present to provide support to these elderly residents and ensure that their needs are met. While many have no families or loved ones who are able to care for them, it is here that they find safety and a loving environment.

The Commons – 1314 Myrtle Avenue, El Paso Texas, 79901

(915) 288-2530

Program Coordinator: Rosa Estrada

This unit is a three-story apartment complex providing affordable and safe housing for 15 individuals diagnosed with a physical or mental disability. The program allows these individuals gain the personal and economic empowerment needed to break the cycle of homelessness. The complex is located within walking distance of our main emergency shelter where residents have immediate access to the on-site clinic and individualized support services and treatment programs as needed.

Missouri Street Residence – 526 W. Missouri

El Paso, TX 79901

(915) 213-3492

Program Coordinator: Cristina Bustamante

This residence, established in 1993, was the first permanent housing facility created for homeless individuals through a joint venture of the El Paso Housing Authority, the Opportunity Center for the Homeless, and a private investor.

It currently provides housing for 42 homeless single men who are transitioning from the emergency shelter towards self-sufficiency.

All of its residents are working, volunteering, participating in training programs, and/or going to school. Many are receiving treatment for a mental illness or have completed a recovery program to overcome a substance addiction.

While living at Missouri Street, residents are encouraged to develop a self-sufficiency plan and pursue their work or education goals. These individuals are supported through one-on-one case management and life-skills training. They work together to clean and maintain the facility and commit to remaining drug and alcohol-free as they take positive steps forward.

Casa de las Abuelitas

1318 Myrtle Avenue

El Paso, Texas 79901

(915) 288-2484

Program Coordinator: Ivonne Urbina

The Women Single Room Occupancy facility is a low-income section 8 rental facility offering housing options to formerly homeless women who are transitioning from the emergency shelter towards self-sufficiency.

This residence, established in 2005, provides housing for 13 homeless single women who are currently working, going to school, or attending vocational programs.

One-on-one case management, medical services, life-skills education, self-help programs, support groups, individualized support services, and treatment programs, are provided as needed.

The rental assistance payments generally cover the difference between a portion (usually 30 percent) of the tenant’s adjusted income and the unit’s rent, which must be within the fair market limit established by HUD.

Safe Zone

The ability to stay free of substance use concerns is the first step to recovery and leaving homelessness behind. This program started as a vital part of recovery for those with substance use concerns. Over recent years, the program has developed into a permanent shelter/housing program for those trying to maintain a sober life style, but feel that they must remained attached to a program of support and service.  The program holds 15 men that live in a community setting, but work to assist other homeless people through various services provided by the Opportunity Center. This area is located on the second floor of the Opportunity Center for the Homeless.