We have nearly 60 homeless women that live here in our emergency and transitional living center shelters. A lot of them are fragile who suffer from some disabling condition. Some of the women are elderly. All the women have nowhere to go and depend on shelter and meals from us. They have made a home in our shelter and we help those that can get their own place. It takes some of the women months to get there and it may take years for the one most fragile.
One of our homeless women recently turned 85 years old. She has no family and was brought in 8 years ago released from the hospital. She had an injured hip. Thankfully she recovered from that. Getting her to be on her own is not likely to happen. And for this reason, our emergency shelter does not have a time limit.
With federal funding going away, we need the help to raise funds. Would you consider a monthly contribution of $15? How about $25 or $50? Which one fits your budget best in order to give monthly? If you give $15, that breaks down to 49 cents a day. We are looking for partners to donate monthly. Please visit our website and when you make a donation, consider making it a monthly donation. Our website is set up to make donating easy.
We are interested in partnering with you. We feel you need to know more about our operation and how you can help. Please feel free to contact us at contact@homelessopportunitycenter.org and ask us any questions. Please donate as much as you can to help us. Click Here To Donate