
There are many ways for you to donate and help bring a life transformation in men, women, elderly, and families in El Paso. We are so thankful that your gifts help to ease the burden from challenges that many individuals struggle with on a daily basis.  We offer several fundraising opportunities that can involve a family, workplace, network, or faith-based communities.

Here are some examples of how you can help:


This initiative is an exciting opportunity for community members, civic groups, businesses, religious organization, and university teams to directly contribute to the complete remodeling of our guest rooms in several of our facilities. In appreciation of an entire room being adopted by a group, a special recognition plaque will be located outside each individual room.

Bedroom renovations include: twin bed set, head and foot boards, dresser, window treatments, wall décor, paint, bed linens (sheet set & comforter), pillows, alarm clock radio, small garbage pail, light fixtures, curtains, curtain road, and area rugs.

Cost: $1,500 (One time gift)

Other rooms: Living rooms, dining rooms, and outdoor spaces are often in need of upgrades and renovation.


 Home Run for the Homeless 5K Run/Fun   Walk and Kids Dash is our annual fund   raiser of the year and takes place at the end  of the     summer. Our event is one of   only two runs in the city starting and   ending in the Southwest University Park.


Each Christmas Season we look for wrapped presents for the residents in our different programs.  Whether your heart is to support men, women, or children, the opportunity to make  the holiday season a special one is the best gift you can give yourself.

Prior to the Holidays we make available a gift registry by program for those interested in making the Christmas Season a special one.


Year around we put together several fundraiser events in support of our programs.  All the money raised in those events directly impacts the lives of those calling our programs home.

We depend heavily on the generosity of people like you, and could not provide the necessary care to help our homeless neighbors without your support.

To learn more about our next fundraiser event click here


Blankets and throws are a thoughtful donation for those individuals seeking our help. Any contributions to this end are greatly appreciated!

You can host your own blanket drive off-site and bring your donations to the Opportunity Center for the Homeless at 1208 Myrtle Avenue   (directions)


One of the burdens many homeless individuals face while in the process of achieving self-sufficiency is the lack of transportation. Due to federal funding cuts we no longer have a Transportation Program however the need still exists.

To make a donation towards bust tokens please visit our Donate page and earmark your donation to that purpose


The Opportunity Center for the Homeless Warehouse is located inside the Men’s Resource Center and is open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. daily.

Although we would love to pick up your donations, we hope you understand we can’t.  The Opportunity Center for the Homeless is a non-profit organization and all donations are tax- deductible. Our Tax ID is 74-2634199

Donations drop off any time at 1208 Myrtle Avenue, El Paso, Texas 79901 View a map

For questions about the Adopt-a-Room program, individual gifts for Christmas, bus tokens donation, and more you can email us at or call (915) 577-0069 extensions 239 & 272.