Frequently Asked Questions

What do I need to stay in the emergency shelters?

Anyone seeking a safe place to sleep and avoid living on the streets must be 18 years or older and be willing to abide by basic rules of conduct.

Which are your hours of operation?

We provide services 24hours a day, seven days a week, and 365 days a year.  Whether morning or night, people constantly are coming or are brought to our shelters by law-enforcement agencies, local hospitals, and other service providers in the community. We don’t deny services to anyone. As an emergency night-by-night shelter we are always open. Any violence or the use and distribution of drugs while on-site are strictly prohibited.

How Can I reach someone staying at the shelters or the living centers?

Our resident’s identity is strictly confidential, and we cannot confirm or deny a person’s whereabouts by any means of communication. However, anyone wishing to contact someone they believe to be staying at any of our four emergency shelters or living centers may call the main shelter at (915) 577-0069 and leave a message with a staff member. The message then will be given to the proper program coordinator.

Where do Shelter residents go during the day?

When it’s cold or hot outside, the homeless have only one choice to be protected!

Our emergency shelters also operate as day resource centers to provide a safe and secure environment to your homeless neighbors and keep them protected from extreme temperatures. These shelters serve three nutritious meals a day and depending upon the season, water or coffee is always available for individuals seeking shelter.

How long are people allowed to stay at the emergency shelter?

There is no time limit to stay in our living facilities, except at the veteran’s program. If a person can move beyond homeless, it is presented with customized service options to accomplish self-sufficiency.

On the other end, if an individual is unable to achieve sustainability due to medical or psychological reasons, we protect them indefinitely.

How long are veterans allowed to stay at the Veterans Transitional Living Center (VTLC)?

A homeless veteran can live in the Veteran’s Transitional Living Center for up to two years. The average stay in the program is 120 days, and those participating must be working, in training, and/or in school, and must follow the VTLC’s five-phase program.


How can a homeless individual obtain his/her own apartment through our rapid re-housing program?

There are several ways that a person can be settled into an apartment of their own or in one of our permanent facilities. They must comply with several requirements and be approved by our housing eligibility coordinator.

Are my financial or in-kind donations tax-deductible?

Yes! We have many avenues of giving available and all make a difference. You can make a one-time donation, or become a monthly donor through recurring gifts. All financial and in-kind donations are tax deductible. Remember to keep your purchase receipts for your records.

The Opportunity Center for the Homeless is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Tax ID #: 742634199.

Where can I bring in-kind donations?

We are making incredible progress in housing homeless individuals, and we are in need of gently used household items, furniture, and working appliances.

Our main warehouse is located inside the men’s shelter located at 1208 Myrtle Avenue, El Paso, Texas 79901.

Items such as gently-used clothes for, men, women, and children, as well as furniture and household items are always in demand.

For a complete list of current needs click here