Foodshare Committee

The Foodshare Committee coordinates various groups within the community who wish to serve and/or provide meals to the homeless. Volunteers can contact this committee to sign up for a date to either serve either lunch or dinner to our homeless. Groups can choose to provide food or serve food prepared at the Opportunity Center. This program is a huge help in ensuring our homeless have warm, nutritious meals and is a wonderful way for community members to share a meal with the homeless! If you are interested in helping with a meal, please take a look at our calendar page to see which days you could fit in and contact Bessie Evans at 755-4170 to set a date.
Another opportunity to get involved with feeding the homeless is to help stock our food pantry. The pantry is always in need of the following items:
- staple items (flour, oil, rice, sugar, etc.)
- meat
- coffee
- canned goods (tomatoes, vegetables, etc.)
Please call the number above or the Opportunity Center if you have any questions. Let us fill all of the empty plates!