
New and Upcoming Projects

         To respond to the growing number of homeless families in our community, the Opportunity Center has begun to develop plans for a new family shelter. The El Paso Coalition for the Homeless identifies an estimated 1,400 men, women, and youth/children seeking...

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Memo from the Executive Director

      Some of my techie staff still think that I have not yet entered the 21st Century.  Well, our new website will diminish their tone for a short while.  In my defense I have learned to use the latest technology.  Why, I’ve had an ATM card for two years now!    ...

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Miguel Neyra 1946-2011

  Our dear brother and friend, Miguel Neyra, passed on to his Lord this past September 15th.  Miguel was an amazing man, and led an amazing life.  He had been imprisoned by the Castro regime in his youth as a political prisoner, and spent 18 years in that hell. ...

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OC Mail Glitch

To our dismay, one of our past residents filed a change of address with the post office, and the post office ended up incorrectly changing the OC’s address.  “What a mess, “ you say!  Yikes, some of our donations, in particular, were not making it to the OC and were...

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Food Bank Emergencies

All of the local and regional food banks are running low on inventory of all types: dry goods, produce, dairy, frozen foods.  Please make an effort to supply these with dollars or food so that they may continue to feed those who are going through tough times.

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Opportunity Center Website

It is official, we now have our own web site! We hope that you are as excited about this website as we are. For the first time in 17 years, we will have a presence that will make us visible well beyond the reach of our local newsletter....

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